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EcoFest without borders: briefly on the conditions of visa-free entry into the Republic of Belarus

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Dear friends, we would like to remind you that according to the Decree No.8 of the President of the Republic of Belarus "On Establishing a Visa-Free Procedure for Entry and Exit of Foreign Nationals", citizens of 80 countries of the world can stay on the territory of the Republic of Belarus for 30 days without a visa.

The rules of visa-free entry to Belarus apply to 39 European countries (together with the European Union), as well as Brazil, Indonesia, the United States, Japan and other countries.

To enter Belarus without a visa, you should have

  • a valid passport or other document that replaces it for traveling abroad;
  • finances (for each day of your staying, the amount in foreign currency or in Belorussian rubles should be equivalent to two basic units, which equals to 25 USD);
  • medical insurance policy effective in Belarus for the insured amount of at least €10 000.

Attention! Visa-free entry to Belarus for a period of no more than 30 days is available only at the entrance through Minsk National Airport.

For citizens of Vietnam, Haiti, Gambia, Honduras, India, China, Lebanon, Namibia and Samoa, a mandatory additional requirement is having a valid multiple-entry visa of the EU or Schengen area with a mark of entry into their territory, as well as air tickets with confirmation of departure from Minsk National Airport within 30 days from the date of entry.

The established procedure of visa-free travel does not apply to persons arriving in Belarus on flights from Russia, as well as those intending to fly to Russian airports (these flights are domestic, border control is not carried out on them).

The detailed procedure of visa-free entry into the territory of the Republic of Belarus is described on the website of the Belorussian diplomatic service.

Important: The EcoFest organizers do not provide visa support for the guests of the event.

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