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A day in the history of SkyWay: «Zero Kilometre»

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Four years ago, on 27 July, there were summed up the results of the voting for the image of the sign "Zero Kilometre", from which the construction of the first string transport anchor support at the EcoTechnoPark began.

The designers of CJSC «String Technologies» developed dozens of sketches, which were being discussed with the investors. According to the authors' idea, the memorial, on which the sign of «Zero Kilometer» is installed, symbolizes the historical path of the transport and roads development. To get to the sign, you have to walk on a section of the road paved with raw stone, then pavement and asphalt.

The sign itself shows a map of Europe, on which Belarus is in the centre, and it is from here, that the history of the string transport began. The sign was built into a concrete slab weighing one thousand tons and follows the contours of Belarus. This slab is part of the foundation of the SkyWay first anchor support and passenger station.

We remind you that on 17 August all participants of the EcoFest 2019 will be able to touch the history of the string transport from the first stone to the latest developments of the company.

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