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On 10 November, in Moscow, there was held the SKY WAY CAPITAL conference. More then a hundred people from different cities of Russia took part in the event.

Maxim Vydro, the company’s speaker, made a presentation on the SkyWay technology and moderated a briefing on the development of the SkyWay group of companies in the first part of the conference.

The second part of the event was devoted to the company partners' training, specifying the new business tools and the development of a partner structure. Here are a few reviews of the conference participants:

I really liked the team of speakers. Everything was laconic and exactly to the point.  Nothing more than needed."

“Max Afanasyev, Curator of the Saratov region, shared a cool work automation tool through social networks. Maxim, thanks for sharing your experience!"

“The conference was well organized and useful! The speakers are great! They are like stars!"

“I would like to thank Maxim Vydro for his help, responsiveness and professionalism! I am also thankful to the photographer and videographer, to my assistants at the conference, everyone who registered the participants, sold the printed materials.”

We are grateful to the conference organizers and all the participants who could find time for attending the event.

Next meeting will take place already on the nearest Saturday, 17 November, at 12 noon, in "Tatyana" hotel, in the hall "Anna" on the second floor. You will find more details inthe SWC personal office.

And in December, it is planned to open a full-fledged office for partners in Moscow.

The accurate information will be announced later.

Contact the curator of Moscow Natalia Vologzhina (+7-915-230-31-71) on cooperation issues.

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