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Businessmen from the Republic of Senegal visit uSky Transport

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Development of innovative transport is of great importance globally and has an impact on various aspects of economy, society and the environment.

The Republic of Senegal is an important actor in regional politics and economy of West Africa and has committed to development and cooperation with neighboring countries to improve the quality of life of its people.

Development of innovative transport in West Africa is essential to ensuring the region’s sustainable economic and social growth. Introduction of innovative transport and the uCity linear city system in the Republic of Senegal can contribute to the creation of smart cities, where modern technology can help improve transport infrastructure management and road safety.

Passenger transport in the Republic of Senegal faces several serious problems affecting quality of service and accessibility for the population: congestion, lack of regulation, poor infrastructure, lack of accessibility for mobility impaired people, traffic jams, environmental problems.

uCar - an urban passenger electric vehicle with increased comfort, and capacity of up to 6 people. uCar can be used on urban and suburban routes for commuting at speeds up to 150 kph. And its tropical version is intended for regions with arid climate and upper operating limit up to +55°C

During the traditional uSky tour, guests and uSky Transport employees outlined the main advantages of uSky transport and infrastructure solutions applicable to the Republic of Senegal:

Firstly, all uSky lines are of suspended type, that is, they are located above ground level, which significantly reduces the possibility of accidents, as well as chances of wasting a lot of time in traffic jams. Secondly, all of our uPods are electric, produce zero polluting emissions and do not contribute to air pollution or climate change.

Hosting finished on a positive note: with expressions of gratitude from guests for the fascinating tour of uSky Test & Certification Centre. The visitors also expressed their hopes for the further development of uSky Transport in the West African subcontinent.

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