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UST Inc. and «Fontanka.ru» presented a special project on off-street transport in Russia

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The joint special project of Unitsky String Technologies Inc. and large media «Fontanka.ru» raises the problem of traffic jams in Russian cities. uST technology is being considered as a solution to relieve road congestion.

The media project provides statistics on the road situation and experts' opinions on the prospects for the use of off-street transport in Russia. It is noted that due to its high carrying capacity, uST transport is able to take a significant share of urban traffic.


One of the speakers was Mikhail Nikulin, Deputy Head of the Passenger Transportation Department of the Novosibirsk Mayor's Office. He assessed the possibility of using uST transport in Russia as follows:

«If UST Inc. can create and efficiently operate high-capacity rolling stock with big traffic volume, then, of course, this mode of transport will be able to integrate into the mainline transport framework of major cities».

Separately, the special project demonstrates the advantages of transport and infrastructure complexes developed by UST Inc. They do not depend on traffic, traffic lights and are able to provide fast, comfortable and safe transportation compared to traditional modes of public transport. Eugeny Petrov, Deputy General Director for Marketing at UST Inc., noted that often in the media space they only point out the problem of traffic congestion, but do not offer solutions:

«In a special project with «Fontanka.ru» we don't just talk about this negative phenomenon: we show specific steps to solve the problem. This is very important, as there are no preconditions for a decrease in the number of personal vehicles not only in Russia, but also in the world as a whole. At the same time, road capacity is often simply not designed for the number of cars that are used in a given city. It is obvious that without bold solutions in the transport and logistics sector, the situation with traffic congestion in metropolises will worsen».

In addition, Eugeny Petrov drew attention to the fact that Unitsky String Technologies Inc. systematically studies the market and sees what alternative solutions are offered:

«They can be divided into two categories. Expensive — subways, light rail transit. And inefficient — dedicating a separate lane for buses (Bus Rapid Transit), making the part of the road dedicated to cars even narrower while the number of cars does not decrease. In this sense, our solutions compare favourably. They are more affordable than other off-street transport options and do not require the allocation of separate lanes and do not take up much additional space in the city, which is already not enough».

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