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uSky tests of a semi-rigid track more than 2 km long

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UST Inc. specialists started acceptance testing of the transport flyover with semi-rigid type track structure at the uSky Test and Certification Center. The main purpose of work is to assess the track strength and check the operation of its mechanisms, units and systems. Testing of the line, which is more than 2 km long, is carried out with a loaded unibus Carat U4-212.

«Before starting the tests, preparatory work is carried out to set up and install the measuring equipment on the track structure. This is necessary for continuous monitoring of the rail temperature. The unimobile is then loaded. The maximum weight with load of the 25-seater unibus is 11,500 kg. During testing we measure parameters of the deformed state of the track» — told the Deputy General Director for Testing – Head of the Testing Center Konstantin Potanin.

According to the company's specialists, the measurement of the line indicators is carried out by control points applied on the track structure in the form of reflective marks. During the tests, the movements of these control points are tracked using engineering geodetic survey and the results of instrument readings are recorded.

After completion of the complex of commissioning work, testing of various systems of the unimobile, its safety and comfort will begin. The next stage — carrying out a number of activities to modernize both facilities. Then all checks will begin with transition to the stage of run tests according to the approved program.

As a reminder, the first stage of certification of the rail-string flyover was completed at the end of 2022. TUV SW Standardization Certifications, an international independent organization, has carried out a comprehensive assessment of steel structures in accordance with the international standards AWS and BS EN. The certificate was obtained confirming the safety of intermediate supports — lightweight structures ensuring the stability of the track structure.

Ahead is the second stage of certification, during which the entire test track will be assessed. According to the results of the inspection, the rail-string flyover will be ready for operation of heavy freight and passenger rolling stock.

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