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An oasis of celebration, networking, ideas: the grand opening of the SWC Premium Club took place in Dubai

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On October 12-14, the event that everyone had been waiting for so long took place — Sky World Community officially opened an exclusive Premium Club in sunny Dubai.

This grand event brought together Partners from different parts of the globe — from Germany to Vietnam, from Switzerland to Oman. And they all came to join the historical moment in the SWC World and become the first people to join the Sky World Community Premium Club.

The celebration began with a Pre-party at the luxurious Hilton Hotel, which offered stunning views of the city's skyscrapers. An atmosphere of joyful excitement was in the air, because it was a special evening, full of opportunities for new acquaintances.

Everyone was greeted by a red carpet — a symbol of significance and status at the event. Special guests of the opening were the top officials of UST Inc. — General Designer and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Unitsky String Technologies Inc. Anatoli Unitsky and General Director Nadezhda Kosareva. All participants of the event had an opportunity to personally communicate with the top management of the international engineering company and take photos together. The Founders of Sky World Community — Alexey Sukhodoev and Evgeny Kudryashov also made welcoming speeches. They talked about the potential and opportunities that the Premium Club opens up for participants. Their energy and confidence in their words charged those present with positivity and inspired them to new achievements.

«We have been preparing for this event for a long time — two years. To organize it, we analyzed many investment and global business clubs, various funds. And you'll see that we've chose and applied only the very best for the development of our Community. The opening of the Premium Club — for us it is the apogee of development. The Premium Club appeared for a reason. Today, humanity is on the cusp of change, and it is up to us to decide which way we will go. We want to preserve our planet for future descendants, for our children and grandchildren. Each of you has already made a certain leap for the development of the new era. You have studied technologies that still seem fantastic to most people. And this is only the cradle, only the birth of a new technological evolution. We are proud of what we do and are ready to convey the philosophy in technological, social, logistical and infrastructural terms», — Alexey shared the plans.

The guests were very enthusiastic about the SWC Co-founder's words: many of them had been active participants of the Company's Community before, and this project opened up new opportunities and unique investment offers.

The next day, guests went to the heart of innovations — uSky Testing and Certification Center in Sharjah. Here the guests could see a model of the newest Uniflash vehicle and take a ride on the Unicar — an unique development of Anatoli Unitsky. This technology is bringing revolutionary changes in transport and logistics, and guests were delighted to be able to see it for themselves. At the Center, as part of the event, the General Designer himself spoke to members of the Premium Club.

«No one believed in the success of string transport, everyone considered the idea too bold and unrealizable. However, I just kept working  — and that is why we are now seeing this transport system that can change the world», — Anatoli Unitsky said.

A visit to uSky was a real discovery for guests. They were amazed by the innovative technologies and solutions presented at the Center.

After the excursion, guests were treated to a Gala Dinner and the official opening of the Premium Club at Nara Camp. The Founders of the Company ceremoniously cut a red ribbon symbolizing the beginning of a new era in the development of Sky World Community. This moment was the culmination of the event, leaving unforgettable memories and vivid emotions in the hearts of all present.

«We have been through hell and high water. Each of you is not here in vain. You are all concerned in what we have now. This is your contribution, your participation and your constant support. We have been growing steadily and have naturally grown to the point of creating Premium Club. This speaks of our stability and ability to receive feedback. We felt and heard hundreds of people from all over the globe. From over 180 countries! Still hard to make sense of it! By creating a Premium Club, we want to reciprocate, because this step will bring us all much closer to the closing of the 15th Stage, will update, refresh Sky World Community», — Eugeny Kudryashov, SWC General Director, made a solemn speech.

Eugeny and Alexey also shared their vision of the Company's development and success story. They spoke about their experiences on the way to creating the SWC, as well as about their plans for the future, including supporting new projects, developing string transport, and influencing the world economy.

After the official part, an exciting fire show, dancing under the open desert sky and a water drums party were organized for the guests of the event. The event was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere, and every participant of the event felt comfortable and relaxed. Especially guests noted the networking — everyone actively exchanged ideas and contacts for further cooperation.

The holidays ended with an exciting buggy trip through the desert. This tour was a real adventure that allowed the Premium Club participants to plunge into the atmosphere of the Arabian world and feel like real treasure hunters. The emotions from the trip were so vivid that some guests admitted they had never experienced anything like it.

Sky World Community Premium Club has become a meeting place for successful people who are ready to share their experience, create new partnerships and build a bright future together. Sky World Community continues to bring together private investors and entrepreneurs all around the world to support innovative green startups. Thanks to this, in the future we will be able to provide comfortable living for up to 70 billion people on Earth without the risk of depletion of natural resources and damage to the environment.

You can watch the video report from the event on our YouTube channel.

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