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EcoFest 2018

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SkyWay General Designer Anatoliy Yunitskiy's speech during the EcoFest 2018, which is the annual event that takes place on the territory of the EcoTechoPark, the testing and demonstration centre of the company- developer of the string transport systems.

In his speech in front of the thousands of investors from dozens of countries, Anatoliy Yunitskiy summarized the company's development for the year, commented on the latest developments and new products of the rolling stock, and outlined the promising vectors for the international development of the SkyWay technology.

We quote Anatoliy Yunitsky's speech in full:

Dear SkyWay friends, partners, investors and just enthusiasts!

I am happy to welcome you all at the EcoFest, already the third one in a row. The Ecofest is not just a meeting of friends, it's also the reporting meeting of the engineering company CJSC "String Technologies" to its founder Global Transport Investment Incorporated, to the co-owners of the technology, who are  here now, and to hundreds and thousands of other investors who could not comey to Maryina Gorka  today.

Today, you have seen everything with your own eyes. You have been impressed not once, but I would like to share one more piece of news with you.  Here is what one of the members of the Emirate's government, who has seen a lot of technological miracles in his life, told me recently: "For about $ 50 million, you have done so much, "from the wheels," (from the scratch) without sustainable financing and real support, that many well-known corporations with billions of profits could not have done for $ 5 billion. You, as innovators, are unique and are the exception, not the rule. " [...]

We have our own 4-storey office building; own production with several factory shops, equipped with the most modern equipment and machine tools; we already employ more than 600 engineers; we have 36 hectares of land near the capital, on which 5 test sites with a total length of about 4 kilometers are built; we designed and manufactured 6 fundamentally different models of rail vehicles -these are only passenger vehicles: unicar, unibike, suspended unibus, bi-rail unibus, high-speed unibus, uniwind, and most of them are certified; we made the world's largest drone, and also created a social electric car. [...] We have established our own production of a whole range of the motor-wheels and have developed the intelligent security system and the rolling stock control systems; we even have the string intelligent perimeter security system.

Four types of the rolling stock have been certified: 2-seat unibike, a 14-seat monorail unibus, [...] a 48-seat bi-rail unibus, and a unicar in two versions, which rides on the sagging track:  three-section 18-seater and one-section 6-seater . You can ride today on 3 of them, except for unibike: it is on the way, returning home after the exhibition in Singapore.

A unique 6-seat high-speed family-type unibus, has been designed and manufactured, that is, our Skyway sports electric vehicle, the premiere of which will take place in  Berlin at the international exhibition Innotrans-2018. Despite the small capacity, like the one a car has, it will provide in the long term the productivity of the SkyWay high-speed intercity tracks for more than a million passengers per day, which is an order of magnitude more than that of a high-speed railway. As for the consumption of electricity (in terms of fuel), our high-speed unibus will consume 8 litres per 100 kilometers, or 1.33 litres per 100 passenger-kilometers. For example, analogues of -2-seat sports cars of the same class at a speed of 500 km/h will spend more than 100 litres of fuel per 100 kilometers (although they will not be able to develop this speed, since the car needs an engine with a capacity of about 3 thousand horsepower). Just like Henry Ford’s private cars of family type that once conquered the whole world, eventually defeating railway, which had a large-scale development in the 19th century, this high-speed unibus will become a sales leader in the near future, when a network of SkyWay routes appears, as it will be not be more expensive than a traditional car.  

Actually, everything we do is filled with humanism: which is the only correct attitude towards the world through love to the entire Mankind and to each person.  We have many people with disabilities among our investors including wheelchair invalids, and I promised to help them by expanding their communication possibilities providing new opportunities.  And not only for our disabled investors:  there are about 130 million disabled wheelchair users in the world, who depend on mobility to receive jobs.  With this electric car they can become, for example, taxi drivers or pizza delivery guys.  The driver will ride into the car in a wheelchair and, sitting in it, will be able to drive it. The chair itself is designed as a driver’s seat with an electric drive, in which one can drive 40 km at 20 km/h speed, that is, the wheelchair itself, which has no analogues in the world, is a small electric vehicle. We will show this development at a specialized exhibition in Moscow in September this year to attract maximum attention not only to our social electric car, but also to the problem of mobility for people with disabilities.

The SkyWay technology demonstrates its universality and creativity more and more.  During this year, we have implemented a number of products that accompany SkyWay transport, demonstrating the potential of infrastructure synergy inherent in the engineering basis of the SkyWay technology.

For example, based on the Ka-26 helicopter, we have designed and manufactured the largest drone in the world that can transport 1.5 tons of cargo at a height of several kilometers at 170 km/h speed for a distance of up to 500 kilometers.   This is not a toy: we need it for building string tracks in challenging natural and climatic conditions, such as mountains, the intersection of rivers, lakes and marshes, jungles and tundra.  It is successfully undergoing performance tests now.

The drone is a real helicopter for sale, it has an autopilot designed by us and an intelligent control system with technical vision.  […] Such a drone will cost not less than $ 5 million in the aviation market, the need for such aircraft is thousands items, and it is already arousing great interest in many countries around the world.

We have built a pedestrian string bridge, […] it is light, beautiful and inexpensive, to show that we can design and build new types of string bridges: automobile, railway, pedestrian ones.  They will be twice as cheap as traditional beam bridges, and there will be no temperature seam over each support, which is the most problematic spot of the traditional beam bridge, where each wheel of the car knocks and jumps up, reducing the service lifetime of both, the bridge and the car.  

Through these and other developments, we demonstrate one of the most important features of the SkyWay technology – its flexibility. […] For instance, we have reconstructed the lightweight flyover on Г-shaped supports […], strengthening both, the track structure and supports, […] Therefore, now, you can ride a 14-passenger unibus, which is 5 times heavier than unibike, for which this track was designed and built, on this reconstructed track.

We have built another string track over our inner motor-track: a super-light one with a span of about 250 metres.[…] The super light track looks heavier only because of those high supports, with which the depot stations are combined. […]

Unfortunately, no matter how we want and whatever efforts we put in, not everything goes as planned.  It will be easy for those who will follow us, the pioneers.  This way is thorny for us now.   For instance, the super-light track has not been completed:  The foreign suppliers of high-strength wire let us down.[…]   As a result, there are no strings in this rail track structure, so we cannot show how our another electric vehicle, a two-seat suspended uniwind, works. It stands on the platform near the guest house.[…] We cannot show the drone in the action here either. You should have a pilot license for the EcoTechnoPark for that, and it will not be issued to us, especially for the drone's demonstration in front of such a crowd of people.[…]

I'm often asked why we are not building a high-speed track, saying that we are lagging behind the schedule and spending too many investment funds.

Firstly, we have done more than was planned for considerably less funds. Even our foreign partner, whom I quoted, said about this.  Secondly, we are a venture and plans are not a dogma, but a vector of development.  For example, who could have assumed that I would be declared a Russian spy in Lithuania, a criminal case would be filed against me; all the bank accounts would be blocked and all the property taken away?   One intelligent person in Lithuania told me then:  “You will not prove anything. If you do not want them to find cartridges under your pillow and drugs in your pocket, you should leave Lithuania with your family immediately.” Now, the criminal case has been closed, the money has been returned, and I have already filed a lawsuit against the Lithuanian government in the entity of the Prosecutor General’s Office, which initiated a case against me for no reason, most likely by a phone call from the high quarters. I demand compensation in the amount of 10 million Euros for the image damage done to me and SkyWay, as well as for the loss of profit. Only Lithuania alone threw us back by 2 years and reduced the volume of investments by at least $ 100 million.

I remember how 3 years ago I stood alone here, in the open field, on a tank range, overgrown with weeds, and thought  what I should do.

Do you think we were met better in Belarus? The most widely read electronic media “tut.by” and “onliner” posted a series of biased articles, in which SkyWay was called a financial pyramid, the EcoTechnoPark was called a "potemkin village" (i.e. – fraud) and urged to deal with me.  I remembered one of hundreds of similar comments under those articles, which may have been written by corrupt journalists in my address. […]:  "Why this drunkard with a blue snout has not been imprisoned and driven out of the country yet? Why don't the KGB and the President pay attention to that?"  We are still suing these media, but the Belorussian courts take sides with those journalists, stating that "..the journalists did not insult anyone, and, in general, a journalist has the right to his own opinion." Therefore, we will go further, we will file a lawsuit against "onliner" in European courts.  The damage done to us should not go unpunished.

Because of those publications, many designers do not want to work for us:  "We will not work with a rogue who will soon be imprisoned." Minister of Transport of Belarus, an obvious friend of "onliner", is of the same opinion about us. For example, when visiting the EcoTechnopark, he called me a criminal in front of the government officials […] I know that he demanded to rip out the articles about SkyWay and General Designer Yunitskiy from the corporate magazines of Belavia; he did not let our exhibits: 14 -seat unibus and 18-seat unicar, to go to the international exhibition in Minsk, and he wrote a negative conclusion to the President of Belarus. Therefore, the President did not visit our EcoTechnoPark, although such a visit had been planned. 

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus has twice rejected our application for the status of a scientific organization. The reason was:  "They (i.e. we) pulled a rope and rode on it! Where is science here?" We have though, more science than some of the research institutes of the Academy. 

Not surprisingly, in two years, we were not able to have the land allocated for the test site of our 21-km high-speed track despite the fact that we had gathered 16 approvals with the seals, and in that list there were power and communication engineers, firemen, ecologists and others.  We received such answers from the higher officials as "Your arguments that Belarus needs SkyWay are unconvincing. A lot of valuable species of trees will be cut along the marsh where you track will go, and the birds will suffer. Huge number of them will die from a high-speed unibus..."

It is common knowledge, "if the mountain will not go to the man, then the man must go to the mountain". Our investors cannot wait for years.  About six months ago I started looking for an opportunity to build a high-speed test complex in another country.

Today, I can name this country:  it is the United Arab Emirates.  We have received the support of the government of this country.

''We really need your tracks. We need them, as they are cost saving, harmonious, environmentally friendly, safe, but we have completely different natural and climatic conditions", the Emirates told us. "Unbearable heat, high humidity, hurricane winds, sea salts in the air, water and earth, which corrode any structure, sand and dust, which cover the roads and impregnate literally everything.  We cannot take these technological risks on ourselves.   Show the prototypes of your tracks here and include the costs for them in the cost of the targeted projects under the government contracts.  A fortiori, you do not have a high-speed complex yet, you cannot even show a speed of 150 km/h yet, as  the test sites in Belarus are too short. You do not have a demonstration of transporting heavy goods, including sea containers, and there is no transport with tracks which have spans more than 1 kilometer yet either.”

The government of the UAE confirmed the words with the deeds. They have already shown how they need the string tracks,  allocating to us land of more than 50 hectares in total for two technological SkyWay sites:  one site of 2.5 km long for urban and cargo complexes, including that for transporting sea containers weighing up to 35 tons, where we plan to reach speed of 150 km/h ; and the second, 25- km site, where we plan to reach speed of up to 600 km/h, where in the future we will build the Hyper-U forevacuum tube and get a speed of 1250 km/h.

I had been working on this hyper-speed project for more than 40 years, since the 70s of the last century, even before I invented SkyWay.[…] All technical solutions have already been created, and it will be another breakthrough transport technology, radically different, for example, from Elon Musk's Hyperloop.

The land in the Emirates is allocated to us free of charge, although the market cost of this land is 750 million dollars. Such an investment in SkyWay is very valuable; it means that now our partner is the government of this most innovative country in the world, and this country wants, unlike Russia, Lithuania and Belarus, to become the world centre for development and promotion of our breakthrough transport and infrastructure technology.   The UAE wants to have “String Valley” to be built there – an analogue of the “Silicon Valley” in the USA,  where there will be proven not only all string transport technologies, but also the related infrastructure technologies:  linear cities, new “green” power industry, relic fertile soil, vacuum glass and much more.

We are going to begin construction in the Emirates in September.  Everything is ready for this. These are our first target projects, the so-called “linked projects”: the prototypes of transport/infrastructure complexes for government orders in a tropical version.  

As soon as we start the construction, all contracts will be opened and financing on them will begin.  Today, we have dozens of such projects for a total length of several thousand kilometers, totaling to the amount above $ 10 billion. These are freight, urban and intercity tracks in the Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and other Middle East countries, and even in far-away Brazil.[…]

Thus, in the Emirates, not just some test sites will be built, but the innovative technological platforms, on which there will be created all the accompanying infrastructure required and sufficient for us to become the world leaders in the SkyWay transport and infrastructure technology, namely:   scientific research, educational, operational, designing and production platforms for batch production, and not for pilot production, as in Minsk. There will be the own solar power generation there: the linear one, stretched along the track, and much more. And all this is the golden key to the orders and financing of a large number of projects around the entire world.  However, we have to finance the technology in a tropical version during the remaining stages:  13th, 14th and 15th ones, within the budget previously planned.  The first major advance payments for the projects will come to us already at these stages, as it was planned before, and we will not need more funds.

Many of our investors, especially those who have invested a small amount, are concerned about IPO, dividends and buy-back of shares. However, few people know that the largest investor is still engineer Yunitskiy.  But I do not worry about my investments, as they will capitalize very quickly, and SkyWay Group of Companies has already been assessed at $ 5 billion by the market, since the shares with a total face value of $ 400 billion are bought in the market by thousands of investors at a discount of 80 or less. […] By the way, this assessment of my intellectual property in the amount of 400 billion dollars was not made in Belarus, as the Internet- flea market “onliner” wrote, but by an independent evaluation company that has international licenses for the right to assess intellectual property and exclusive rights to know-how.

I have not only created the SkyWay technology, but continue to invest in it almost all the money that I earn.

Almost 5 years ago, the investing system for financing the SkyWay technology began to function under a nontraditional scheme, in the good sense of the word.   It was created in the interests of investors, not in my personal ones.The total number of shares in the technology does not change with the arrival of new investors:  the number of shares is invariable, that is, the share of each investor (in percentage terms) cannot be reduced, “dissolved” by the founder, that is by me, as it, for example, happened in Facebook. Thus, as the founder, my share is sold, and my share naturally decreases, and legally this money is mine, but in fact, I do not even see these investments, they are automatically reinvested by the system in the SkyWay EcoTechnoPark.  At the same time, naturally, only part of the investments, about half, reaches us, although I took responsibility for all 100% of these investments.  If this is a fraud, as some people believe, then it is somehow strange, if not to say – perverted.  After all, swindlers usually run away with other people’s money, but here, the money is given to the common cause, and no one hides or runs away.  […]

At present, we additionally create a fundamentally new technological platform based on blockchain.  This work is being carried out jointly with partners from the United Arab Emirates, as it is the only country in the world where blockchain is supported and developed at the governmental level, including its applications in the transport sector.

On this world-scale platform, there will be built a safe and fault-tolerant system for managing all SkyWay technologies:  technoparks, targeted projects, the rolling stock, infrastructure and the world-wide network of Transnet.  We will also launch a new crypto currency with the help of our blockchain platform. This is more than just a unit of account. Our crypto currency will allow us not only to use all the services of Transnet, but will also give everyone the opportunity to participate in its development and see their contribution.

In October this year, a new stage in our development will be presented: the re-registration of obligations in SkyWay Group of Companies with their so-called “buy-back” by the Company will start. The Investors will also have the opportunity to exchange their SkyWay shares for tokens of the Technopark or the targeted projects on the blockchain platform. 

I will explain this in more detail.  We will give an opportunity to purchase tokens to those who were the first ones to invest in the SkyWay technology in 2014. Then, by stages, we will add those who joined us later – in 2015, in 2016 and so on, up to those who received shares as a gift.  

The exchange of shares in the SkyWay technology for tokens of the technoparks and targeted projects will allow the investors to see sooner the real value and cost of the contribution they made.  They will have an opportunity to manage tokens choosing the way of their sales.

In parallel with the exchange of obligations for tokens, the sale of crypto currency for cash will also be carried out.   Therefore, the price of a token, like the price of any currency and crypto currency, is regulated by the market and will rise as long as the demand for it continues to grow.

The tokеns themselves will be insured primarily by SkyWay revenues from profitably operating targeted projects, which will eventually become more and more.

Nobody has ever proposed or done anything like this, especially on a world scale.  And we will do it together with you, like we created this EcoTechnoPark in Maryina Gorka. […]

We are creating together with you an incredibly complex business in the most conservative and corrupt industry – the transport sector.  It is an industry, where new types of transport appear once in 100 years and cut their path for decades, if not centuries. For example, if we take a simpler solution, such as a bridle, it took this invention 700 years to pass from the idea to mass use, and it took even more time for a saddle, usual for all: one thousand years.

Unscrupulous competitors and their lobbyists will continue to fight with us trying anything and everything, therefore, we should not "put all eggs in one basket".  And we will win, to be more exact, our unfair competitors and lobbyists of their interests will lose, because SkyWay, due to its unprecedented technical, economic and socio-political advantages over other modes of transport, is necessary for all mankind, and not for a single country, company or individual official. 

It is better to be friends with us than to fight, then it will be good for everyone.

The EcoTechnoPark in Maryina Gorka will continue to develop and improve, as it was created in the logic for 100 years,  and we are not going anywhere from here, just a vector of our long-term development was updated due to the circumstances specified by me.

Thank you for your attention and

"Build Skyway and save the Planet!"    

The SkyWay Information Service is preparing a number of news releases dedicated to the past EcoFest 2018, from which you can get to know more about the new  developments of the project organization and plans for the further development of the SkyWay technology, presented by Anatoliy Yunitskiy.

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