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uSky Transport has completed work on the container depot

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In the uSky Testing and Certification Centre, general contractor ASAK has completed construction of the container depot on the second 2.4-km test track. It is part of the high-capacity freight and passenger infrastructure complex.

For the construction of the container depot, there has been implemented the strengthened reinforcement frame, which will serve as an anchor for the string system, stretched with a force of up to 2,000 tons. The frame has therefore been checked and monitored with heightened requirements.

The container depot together with the anchor support is a two-storey building 15 metres high and 30.5 x 11.5 metres size. The total area of the building is 524 m² and the building area is 380 m². The building is monolithic reinforced concrete walls and slabs that are 300 and 400 mm thick, while the slabs themselves are 400 and 600 mm thick. All structures are made of high-strength concrete of classes C40/20 and C40/10.

As a reminder: the bearing walls of the building were laid in August 2021 and work on the superstructure has been underway since this March. When the construction work is complete, not only uCont vehicles but also passenger uPods will be able to pass through the container depot. The complex will eventually have the capacity to handle up to 50,000 passengers per hour and up to 100 million tons of freight per year.

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