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How electric string motors are created

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There has been released an article about how the «Electric Drive» design bureau, whose specialists are developing engines and other components for string transport, works. We collected the most interesting facts from this material.

— The bureau was created at the end of 2017. Today it employs 17 engineers and seven assembly line workers.

— In the bureau, there are created:

1. Electric motors, energy storage, power conversion technology.

2. Circuitry, PCB layout, software.

3. Assembly and test equipment.

— The bureau's products are on a par with their foreign counterparts and in some respects even surpass them.

— The bureau's team is now working on an energy storage device for 5th generation transport. This product will be durable, safe, and more resistant to external influences.

— The energy storage management system monitors the temperature of each unit in real time to prevent overheating and overcooling.

— The component design and assembly is carried out entirely in the bureau.

— After assembly, the specialists check the product's characteristics in the laboratory and decide on additional adjustments or installation on the vehicle.

We are sharing a photo report from the design office «Electric Drive»:


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