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Anatoli Unitsky about himself, life and work

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Sharing with you a selection of quotes from which you can better understand Anatoli Unitsky's interests, aims and motivations of the inventor of the string transport.

‒ There have been tragedies in my life. But I took it philosophically and would say: «Thanks for learning lessons». I grew stronger after each failure.

‒ You can never expect things to work out the way they were intended. However, one should not abandon one's intentions by bowing to the majesty of external circumstances. Humans rarely have the power to change them. But you can defeat them.

‒ We don't have to make anything up. You just have to take what is already in nature intelligently. This is my approach. I have taken what is already there in nature and combined it harmoniously.

‒ I have a combination of qualities that helps me do what I do. It's a systematic approach and lofty goals that I've been working towards since I was a kid, not thinking about money and fame.

‒ All my life, I have not followed the example of others, I have not adapted to other people's norms and rules, I have not blindly followed human laws, I have relied on the laws of nature.

‒ I think about the future of my children, my grandchildren, what will they inherit from us? They will live in masks, gas masks, sick, covered with ulcers, afraid to go out, not knowing what to eat. What kind of life is that?

‒ Planet Earth is our shared home. If we do not learn to live in harmony with nature in this house, we will perish. I am convinced that every year we are getting closer to that harmony.

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