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World Construction Today has compared the string and conventional transport

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The media resource World Construction Today has released an article about the string transport. The author of the publication compared the development of the project with the process of establishing traditional modes of transport. We describe the conclusions reached by the journalist of the publication.

The author outlines the cases when people used to refuse to trust new transport means. Among them, there are the first personal cars, large planes and high-speed trains. Over time, however, these modes of transport have become an integral part of modern logistics. According to the author, the same thing could happen with the string transport.

As the journalist points out, many people were initially very sceptical about the string transport project. The situation has been gradually changing over the next seven years. During this time, the company developer has created 12 transport models, which are being tested on the test tracks in Belarus and the UAE. Now anyone can see for themselves the feasibility of the technology and test it in practice.

In addition, the project has been recognised by international organisations. For example, the TUV SW company certified the string transport in the UAE in 2021. Testing has confirmed the reliability and safety of the technology.

Today, the string transport continues to develop. Four targeted projects are in the pipeline at once. By 2025, the company developer plans to build a track on which the transport at speeds of up to 500 km/h will be tested. Negotiations are now underway to allocate an appropriate plot of land.

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