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Anatoli Unitsky about targeted projects, stage 15 and plans for the future

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Dear investors and partners, here is a brief summary of the interview with the founder of the SkyWay project, Anatoli Unitsky, which was released on 3 May. From the text, you will get to know how many targeted projects are planned for this year, how long the 15th development stage will last, and what capitalization the company will have in 5 and 10 years.

SkyWay and the GPV

When I was a student, I came up with the idea of the General Planetary Vehicle (GPV). Then, out of the GPV, there emerged the string transport system, which is known as SkyWay or Unitsky String Transport. I simplified the GPV flyover to string rails, on which the electric vehicle on steel wheels could run.

A new office in Belarus

This nine-story building is more than ten thousand square metres. This is where our engineering company Unitsky String Technologies, Inc. is headquartered. We have 36 buildings in different countries. The co-owners of these buildings are our investors. The buildings are our common ownership, acquired for funds invested in the technology.

Cosmic soil

The EcoCosmoHouse will use cosmic soil, which consists of a light mineral part and pores filled with humus. This is relict humus from coal or shale. Lignite has all the elements necessary for life. Such soil weighs 500 kilograms per cubic meter, three times lighter than ordinary soil and richer than chernozem.

Tracks and transport

There have been build five tracks at the EcoTechnoPark, and now, there are two more tracks underway for the heavy vehicles. In the Emirates, one 400-metre track has already been built and two 2.5- kilometre tracks are under construction. We have also designed 12 transport models in a short period of time. All these are manufactured products.


We have created powerful production facilities and fitted them with modern equipment. We have five-axis and seven-axis machines that cost a million dollars each. No other enterprise in Belarus possesses such a complete set of equipment. Our investors also co-own those facilities.

Targeted projects

The first stages of work on targeted projects are already ongoing. This year, we will announce several targeted projects that we are undertaking. These are not the projects that are planned for the future, these are projects that we are already working on.

Brand SkyWay

Unitsky String Technologies, Inc. is the parent company. SkyWay is the brand name of the particular product at the particular stage of development.

The SkyWay electric drive

Unlike a pavement vehicle, our vehicles can run on batteries, overhead system or rail. We are the only company to implement that.

Development stage 15

On stage 15, there is to be built a track to test the high-speed transport. The necessary design solutions and the vehicle itself are already in place for that. Presumably, stage 15 could last for about 2 years.

The high-speed track

We started the second procedure to get permission to build the high-speed track in Belarus. If we are refused, we have other options in other countries, for example, in the Emirates. But the cost of construction is higher there.

The beginning of capitalization

IPO is just one option for capitalization. An IPO is needed to get more money, but we can do it in a different way. The capitalization is already underway, albeit slowly. The serious capitalization will begin when we start building the specific tracks. I'm sure that will happen this year.

Plans for the future

In 5 years, the capitalization of our Group of Companies is to be at least $500 billion. In 10 years, - at least a trillion dollars. There will be dozens and hundreds of projects in work. We will have specialized production for various elements of the string system. We already have the technology in place to make separate production for the urban, freight, and high-speed vehicles.

Wishes to investors

I wish you patience in waiting. No business plan has ever had a deadline. These are projections, and life always makes serious adjustments. The key is patience and understanding.

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