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On 1 September, the discounts of «STEP-UP 2021» decrease!

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Dear investors and partners!

From 1 September, special investment offer «STEP-UP 2021» will last for 2 more months until 31 October. The terms of the offer will remain the same, but the discounts will change. From 1 September, the offers will be available with the following discounts:

– $50 per month by installments for 12 months with a discount up to 1:40

– $600 by lump payment with the discount 1:40

– $100 per month by installments for 12 months with the discount up to 1:80

– $1200 by lump payment with the discount 1:80

We remind you that for installments «STEP-UP 2021» there is in force the progressive discount.

The pregressive discount means that you receive shares at a discount, which depends on the number of payments without delay within 12 months. Here is how the progressive discount for installment payments for $1200 will change from 1 September:

The payment discounts from 1 to 9 months do not change.

The payment of the 10th month was 1:60, and will be 1:55

The payment of the 11th month was 1:70, and will be 1:60

The payment of the 12th month was 1:90, and will be 1:80

For example, if you have made 7 payments and did not make the next one on time, your installment will be closed, and you will receive shares at the discount 1:31. To receive shares at the discount 1:90 you should open the installment till 1 September and make all 12 payments without delay.

The progressive discount for payments by installments for $600 from 1 September:

The payment discounts from 1 to 9 months do not change.

The payment of the 10th month was 1:35, and will be 1:32

The payment of the 11th month was 1:40, and will be 1:35

The payment of 12th month was 1:50, and will be 1:40

Up to 31 August, you can make an unlimited number of lump investments and open installments thanks to the offer «STEP-UP 2021» with previous discounts of 1:50 and 1:90.

Please bear in mind that the previous 1:90 and 1:50 discounts are fixed for the entire duration of the installment payment. Even when the stage changes, you will continue to pay the open installment with the 1:90 or 1:50 discount.

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