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Interview of SkyWay General Designer to publishing house «Zvyazda»

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A few days ago, the oldest Belorussian edition «Zvyazda» published a detailed interview with Anatoli Unitsky. Correspondent Vladimir Khilkevich talked with the General Designer of Unitsky Technologies Co. about the program of non-rocket exploration of near space – SpaceWay. Especially for the edition, Anatoli Unitsky once again has reviewed in detail the structure of the space station and residential modules of EcoCosmoHouse.

«In the EcoCosmoHouse, there will be restored the best part of the Earth's biosphere with all the necessary natural conditions: the atmosphere, the diversity of landscapes, living organisms, soils, biogeocenosis, aquatic ecosystems and so on. There is no need to take all the flora and fauna of the Earth to the near space. Before the construction of the EcoCosmoHouse in space, its prototypes will be created on the Earth, which will serve as banks of necessary representatives of flora and fauna. On the basis of these complexes, there will be conducted researches and tests. Thus, the bio-world will be tested for viability and absence of harmful organisms empirically».

We remind you that in June 2019, there took place the second international scientific and technical conference «Non-Rocket Industrialization: Problems, Ideas, Projects». The prospects of space exploration due to the global environmental problems faced by humanity were discussed at this conference. The participants of the conference stated: negative changes occur in the Earth's biosphere caused by the activity of modern technocratic civilization. If we don't take decisive action, we're all doomed to die in two or three generations. One of the proposed solutions was the space program SpaceWay proposed by Anatoli Unitsky.

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