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The offer with a higher discount ends in 3 days

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Dear investors, in 3 days' time, the special EcoFuture offer, timed to coincide with the EcoFest 2019, will expire.

Up to 16 August (23:55 MSK) you can buy a package «EcoFuture» with a discount of 40, and your name will be cast on a commemorative bronze plate in the EcoTechnoPark. All future delegations and visitors to the SkyWay test centre in Belarus will be able to see your name among those who have made a special contribution to its development.

Register the «EcoFuture» package until 16 August (23:59 MSK), and on 17 August you will be able to see your name on the stand next to the string bridge in the centre of the EcoTechnoPark. The names of investors, who will register the package on 16 August, can be seen after the installation of the bronze plate. You can also buy the «EcoFuture» package at a discount of 45 if you pay for it from your bonus account.

Write your name in the history of SkyWay - leave your mark in the EcoTechnoPark, the centre of the string transport, where the future is being created.

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