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50 thousand more investors will be able to exchange shares for tokens

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In October 2018, in the inverstor's personal office, there was launched an offer to exchange SkyWay shares for tokens. Under the terms of the offer, the first 50 thousand investors, who invested at the very beginning of the project’s development, were able to convert part of the investment shares into SkyWay tokens.

In the near future, we are launching our own SkyWay blockchain platform. In this regard, the management of the SkyWay Group of Companies decided to provide an opportunity for the next 50 thousand investors, registered in the SkyWay Group of Companies' registry, to exchange investment shares for tokens.

The offer will be valid until the end of April of the current year.

The SkyWay Token is a payment and information unit that ensures the interaction of all elements of the SkyWay transport infrastructure complexes within one system. In perspective, the holders of tokens will be able to invest in targeted projects at a discount and increase the amount of dividends compared to other participants. The free circulation of tokens in the process of implementing targeted projects and functioning of the transport systems, created within these projects, ensures their capitalization and increase in market value.

Today, the creation of the single SkyWay blockchain platform is in the testing phase.

The blockchain platform is to integrate all components of the SkyWay transport and infrastructure complexes (cargo, urban and high-speed intercity complexes) into a single economic ecosystem, using the blockchain technology, including the rolling stock (electric vehicles on steel wheels) and the infrastructure of the "second level" — the rail-string flyovers, stations, depots, terminals, switches, etc., including the intelligent control systems (on-board and distributed ones), power supply and communication.

The work on creating the SkyWay platform required the formation of the international team, as well as an increase in the announced production time, as there are no world analogues of this approach today.

The official release of the SkyWay blockchain platform will take place shortly.

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