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SkyWay New Production Building – We Are Preparing to Execute Contracts!

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The SkyWay Information Service continues to tell us about the most important news of the project, among which is the expansion of CJSC «String Technologies» production areas;.

In our reports, we have repeatedly told you about the new high-tech equipment, production processes and non-standard approaches to the solution of the applied engineering problems at the Design and Technological Bureau with the pilot production of the SkyWay project organization.

The first video report of the year continues this tradition.

It is no secret that the developers of the string transport have received a proposal which is impossible to refuse: a place in the Innovative Research Technology Park of the Emirate in Sharjah, in the UAE. As for SkyWay, CJSC «Strings Technologies» will be adapting vehicles to the conditions of the Middle East. In addition to this site, another large area is allocated in the neighboring emirate, where high-speed SkyWay will be tested.

Despite the development of the new regions, the development of the company in Belarus does not stop. On the contrary, all this caused the need to build a new production area for CJSC «String Technologies» next to the existing one.

In a new interview, the Head of the construction Oleg Kudyolko is going to tell us what opportunities the increase in the production capacity opens.

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«Expert Ural«: the Role of the String Transport in the Cities of the Future