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How it was before and how it is now

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The international exhibition Innotrans is like a symbolic benchmark, which can measure the growth of the SkyWay project, as parents mark the growth of their child on the doorjamb.  This year, as it was 2 years before, our project stand was under the glare, but the difference between the two exhibitions is striking.

Over the past two years, the string transport from a detailed concept has evolved into a functioning transport system,  in the system with several prototypes of the rolling stock, ready for exhibitions and sales.  In 2016, the SkyWay news service had to shoot a promotional video for the exhibition in the interiors of the Belorussan Railways, for which the latter even made an official claim.

In 2018, the film crew had already a number of vehicles ready for work at their disposal. 

Unibike and unibus, presented in 2016, already have had certificates of compliance this time, and so has the unicar, which was shown to the European public this year. Thus, this year, at the exhibition, the company was presenting not only the prototypes, but also proven vehicles which have transfered thousands of first passengers. At the EcoTechnoPark, the work continues on several passenger and freight vehicles.

The main element of the exhibition program Innotrans 2018 was the high-speed unibus.  The work on it had been conducted long ago in conditions of complete secrecy.  With the help of this novelty, the string transport will open a new market for itself and will have the opportunity to create universal transport systems suitable for both, urban and intercity transportation.

Alongside with the development of the technology, media support has also come: now even skeptical journalists are not ignoring the SkyWay project.  The publications from Russia, Belarus, Europe and America told their readers about our novelties.  Of course, the opponents of the string transport are still here, trying to release their "devastating" publications just in time for Innotrans as it happened before. But today, their spurious criticism is not so much affecting the project, as it was two years ago: the SkyWay partners had enough time to see with their own eyes everything that our opponents are trying to silence.

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