How much money is wasted when someone is stuck in a traffic jam? And in the scale of the whole state? If not going into details, it is a huge amount of wasted money. Researchers, inventors and managers from different countries are looking for a solution to the problem of congested traffic and offer a variety of projects. SkyWay project has its own version.
"The string transport can be used both, for short distances with frequent stops, and also for long distances. With no traffic jams on the way, high-speed city modules, moving on the second level, will release the megacities' traffic transport system congestion. To date, such transport is rarely used, and only in the most affluent countries. The reason of that is high complexity and cost of construction. Nevertheless, thanks to the technology of infrastructure construction, developed in "String technologies", the transport of the second level will become more affordable and will be able to spread much wider ", MyFin writes.
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