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Unibike, unibus, unitruck...

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The acceptance tests of the new industrial model of the SkyWay rolling stock, unicar, have been launched at the EcoTechnoPark.  The technical characteristics of the novelty are as follows:

- Overall dimensions, metres: 10 x 2.4 x 1.65;

- Weight, tons:  4.75 (curb weight), 6.1 (gross weight);

 - Passenger capacity, seats:  18 (3 x 6);

- Speed, km / h:  150 (max.), 100 (in the conditions  of the EcoTechnoPark);

- Energy consumption, kWh (litres / 100 km) at 100 km / h - 11.0 (2.8), i.e. 0.61 kWh or 0.16 liters per 100 km distance if calculated per 1 passenger.

- Kilometre run in the autonomous mode at a speed of 100 km / h -- km:  300 km.

It is known that the main transportation expenses are energy and fuel ones, hence the cost of travel in the unicar can be much lower than in other types of public transport.

Among other innovative solutions, there are 4 axes (i.e., 8 wheels) for 3 sections, unlike the traditional layout scheme: which is 6 and 12, respectively. That means less material consumption in manufacturing unicar and more comfort due to the reduction of unsprung mass of the vehicle.

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