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The important event for all SKY WAY CAPITAL partners

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Dear SKY WAY CAPITAL partners and investors! We notify you that the list of the company's investors has been transferred to the register of the SkyWay holding.  In accordance with this, the act of transfer has been signed and sealed. Those investors whose data was on the list, could access the extract from the register in their personal office of SKY WAY CAPITAL.

The difference between this regular procedure from the previous ones is only in the fact that now all investments made during the reporting period will be combined into one and will be displayed in the general register in one line. 

It is noteworthy that during the reporting period SKY WAY CAPITAL has done a grandiose job and attracted a huge number of new investors: these are people from more than twenty countries of the world who believed in the project of Yuinitskiy's string transport. It is thanks to them that the breakthrough SkyWay technology is being realized, which will very soon enter the world market and will make a real revolution in the world of transport.

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