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EcoTechnoPark resumes the construction of the complex intended for heavy Unimobiles

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Unitsky String Technologies Inc. continues works on Line 6 —of a rigid heavy-duty string-rail flyover. The complex is designed for testing freight and passenger rolling stock with a mass of up to 60 tons. At the moment it is the most load-bearing track realized by the Company.

«For some time, the facility was in a conservation phase. This situation was due to changes in technical and economic indicators. Today, a successful appraisal has been carried out and two stage of construction have been outlined. The first stage involves the erection of a string-rail flyover without track installation. Second stage directly involves —the installation of the track structure», —Yuri Azhar, Deputy General Director for Capital Construction, said.

The uniqueness of this complex —is the opportunity to install and test different types of tracks. Track structures may be changed based on improvements and needs, while buildings and facilities remain the same. Due to the line projected design, heavy-duty Unimobiles will be able to travel along it. In addition, with a significant reduction in material intensity, the track has a higher load-bearing capacity as well as high rigidity and levelness of the track.

Initially, the complex will only be used for mounted Unimobiles. It will subsequently be upgraded to test and operate both mounted and suspended vehicles. Then the string-rail flyover will be equipped with additional technological sites and equipment. This is necessary to fine-tune the processes before applying the uST solution to commercial projects. There are now 18 intermediate supports installed in the EcoTechnoPark. The length of the line will be 912 meters.  

In the near future, general construction and internal electrical installation works will be carried out, external power supply and communication networks (fiber optic lines) will be laid. It is planned to commission a traction substation that will provide power supply to the rolling stock through the track structure. Expected completion date is —October 30, 2023. The complex is scheduled to be put into operation in November.

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