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130 Partners visited EcoTechnoPark in Belarus

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130 Partners visited EcoTechnoPark in Belarus

130 Partners from more than 8 countries of the world took part in the campaign dedicated to the transition of the Project to the 15th Stage and got the opportunity to visit the EcoTechnoPark in Belarus. This is a place where various types of string transport are presented and innovative ideas of Anatoli Eduardovich are embodied: from eco-houses and a string bridge to a greened and landscaped area of 168 hectares, where unique uTerra humus is produced.

The humus biologists asked the Partners to bring soil samples with them to «the Soil Bank» for further research. Thus, «the Soil Bank» was replenished with samples from Spain, Russia, Vietnam, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Kyrgyzstan.

Everyone who brought the soil was one of the first to receive the uTerra soil elixir as a gift. Its composition allows not only to improve the taste of agricultural crops, but also to increase productivity by up to 50%. The Partners were convinced of the effectiveness of the elixir on the example of products grown in the territory of «Akvarel (Aquarelle)» EcoPark.

The main surprise for the Partners was the meeting with Anatoli Eduardovich, who signed books and answered questions of interest. After meeting with the Chief Engineer, everyone can take a ride on 3 types of string transport: uBus (14 and 48 seats) and uCar (6 seats). Such an opportunity does not come up often, since you can only visit and ride a string transport as part of an organized group. That is why participation in this action was so valuable and important for our Partners.

At the moment, you can also take part in the new campaign and get the opportunity to visit the EcoTechnoPark in the UAE, where the Testing Center of string transport is located.


The Partners who arrived from Czech Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Spain, Russia, Vietnam, Poland and Slovakia were presented with memorable gifts. And those who reached the new status of Expert, Top Expert and Sky Expert were awarded badges made of precious metals.

Watch the video to feel the atmosphere of the trip:

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