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UST Inc. General Designer: "The "uLite" Complex will demonstrate the work of uST transport in a commercial environment"

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Unitsky String Technologies Inc. recently announced the launch of "uLite" Transportation and Infrastructure Complex in the territory of the "Akvarel (Aquarelle)" EcoPark. It should be reminded that at this stage the Complex has been put into operation as a freight transportation system. Anatoli Yunitsky, General Designer of the Company, shared his opinion on why the Project is important from a commercial point of view.

Why the "uLite" became the first commercial project?

It is very important to test your product on yourself. This, first of all, will allow us to overcome a kind of barrier in the development of string technologies - industry-forming innovation in the global market of transportation services. With our successful example of the realization of the first string-rail transport complex we show the absence of risks and financial losses for our future customers.

To solve transportation and economic problems in the "Akvarel (Aquarelle)" EcoPark we have developed a high-quality, environmentally friendly and inexpensive "uLite" Complex technology. When choosing a logistics solution, the managers of the "Akvarel (Aquarelle)" EcoPark primarily focused on technical and economic indicators and productivity. And here the "uLite" unimobile turned out to be an ideal option: it has functional versatility, which allows you to use it for both passenger and cargo transportation.

When developing the transport complex, we also took into account the tourist orientation of the object, so we are sure that our "uLite" will be among the brightest colors of "Akvarel (Aquarelle)" EcoPark and will attract even more visitors to one of the best recreation areas in Belarus.

What difficulties did you encounter in the realization of the Complex?

We faced certain difficulties that were caused by external factors. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted completion dates. A number of suppliers in Europe producing components for the "uLite" string-rail track structure and electric vehicle have been forced to suspend their production and some have gone bankrupt due to the imposition of lockdowns. Of course, this affected logistics, there were interruptions in deliveries, and, as a consequence, it was necessary to adjust the completion dates.

Another difficulty was the current geopolitical situation and the imposition of sanctions. Initially, we planned to purchase a number of elements from European entrepreneurs, but the changing of situation forced us to reconsider our decisions and find analogs from other manufacturers or develop and create them ourselves.

There are difficulties even today, but they are of a different nature. Our product, the "uLite" Complex, is completely new on the market. Therefore, there is no normative documentation for it in the legislative field of Belarus yet. We are working diligently with state regulators to develop and adopt regulations that recognize "uLite" not only as a freight transportation system, but also as a passenger transportation system.

Why is this Project important for the further development of uST technology?

The "uLite" Complex will demonstrate the operation of uST transport in commercial conditions, will go through all stages of entering the transport market, including design, land acquisition, construction, commissioning, coordination with state authorities, expertise, certification, commissioning. Anyone will be able to get acquainted with the string-rail transport and see for themselves its efficiency, reliability and environmental friendliness.

Why, in your opinion, "uLite" is useful specifically for the Ecopark territory?

When developing the new transport complex, we took into account several aspects at once. Firstly, the territory of the Ecopark is very large - 168 hectares. Our "uLite" will perform the task of transporting freights and passengers much faster than any other transport, covering a greater distance in a shorter time, passing over ponds, zoo and forested areas.

Secondly, "Akvarel (Aquarelle)" EcoPark is a favorite recreation place with many activities for visitors. Our Complex will serve as a sightseeing hiking trail. With 360-degree visibility, unimobile passengers will be able to enjoy scenic views from a bird's eye view. This, in turn, will definitely increase the popularity and attractiveness of the Ecopark.

Thirdly, our Complex fits perfectly into the concept of "Akvarel (Aquarelle)" EcoPark where the main emphasis is placed on environmental friendliness. "uLite" consumes a minimum amount of energy and does not pollute the environment with exhaust fumes. Due to its visual lightness and aesthetic performance, the string-rail transport complements the uniqueness of the "Akvarel (Aquarelle)" EcoPark complex without disturbing its harmony. Our string-rail unimobile does not create a noise load when driving, which makes the recreation of Ecopark guests more comfortable and quiet. Therefore, the "uLite" Complex is a true treasure for lovers of outdoor activities.

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