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Improved 48-seater unibus sent to EcoTechnoPark

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The commissioning of 48-seater unibus has begun at the EcoTechnoPark. Following improvements in production it was sent to the uST practical implementation and technology demonstration centre. Changes have been made to the passenger and traction modules.

Engineers of Unitsky String Technologies Inc. together with the specialists of «SV PLANT» production complex have been working for more than six months to develop the U4-220-T2, a 48-seater electric vehicle on steel wheels, improving the model's key performance parameters.

Changes have been made to the passenger and traction modules of UniMobile. A specially designed traction bogie has been used on both transport modules to improve the running smoothness. And to make the interior climate more comfortable, original climate control units and ducts have been added and new compressors and fans installed.

A single energy storage unit, replacing the coupled ones, makes maintenance easier and reduces electromagnetic interference. The electrical system has also been almost completely redesigned.

«We expect to improve the smoothness and interior climate of the UniMobile, as well as reduce noise levels», — said Lead Design Engineer of Unitsky String Technologies Inc. Dmitry Vikhrenko.

After the UniMobile was installed on the track structure at EkoTechnoPark, commissioning began, followed by testing. These works are expected to be implemented early next year.

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