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How the electrics of the string transport are set up

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The operation of each model of the string transport is provided by electrical equipment system. The engineer of the company developer Mikhail Yudenok explained how it is set up. We are sharing the highlights from the story.

How the electrical equipment system is formed

First, the functions of the future vehicle should be determined. Once the vehicle concept is known, the project team selects the necessary electrical equipment and carries out the layout. Then, the system is tested.

Previously, electrical equipment was worked out for each model of transport separately. Today, the main nodes of the system are being unified to speed up the development.

Efficiency of the electrical equipment

The electrical equipment of the string transport differs from similar systems in conventional cars. There are several reasons for that. Firstly, the project specialists have to take into account strict restrictions on weight and dimensions. Secondly, some elements should be designed independently.

Due to technical features, the string transport consumes electricity more efficiently. For example, when braking, the model generates current which is then used for acceleration.

Reliability of the electrical equipment

The probability of breakdowns in the system is minimized. For this purpose, the electrical equipment is protected from short circuit, overvoltage and lightning strikes.

In case of fire, the system uses wires with low emission of smoke and toxic substances. At the same time, the main equipment is in sealed fire-resistant cabinets.

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