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Railway Technology explains the advantages of the string passenger transport

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British media Railway Technology has posted an article on its website about the advantages of passenger string transport. We are sharing the highlights of this material.


The string transport is equipped with an anti-derail system. It allows to firmly hold the train on the track even in bad weather. The speed and route are controlled by automation. Therefore, the risk of accidents due to a human fault is reduced to a minimum.


The track structure of the string transport does not require earth embankments, bridges, interchanges and culverts. That reduces the construction costs of the complex. The finished flyover does not require constant maintenance. The service life of the string track before major repairs is more than 50 years, and the rolling stock is 25 years.

High speed

The string transport can transport passengers at 150 km/h. That is twice as fast as a regular bus. The intervals of movement and the number of models may vary depending on passenger traffic. Due to its location above the ground, the string transport will not be stuck in traffic.

Environmental friendliness

Thanks to its above-ground placement, the string tracks do not interfere with water and animal movement and preserve the terrain and fertile soil for farming. De-icing salts that harm the environment are not needed to maintain the track. Transport runs on electricity which is the most environmentally friendly type of fuel.


String tracks can be laid in regions with difficult terrain and severe weather conditions. In cities, it will not be necessary to demolish existing infrastructure because the flyovers will pass above power lines, residential buildings and roads.

Read the original text on the website of the company developer.

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