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How SkyWay protects its business reputation

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The Internet is a great tool for disseminating information.

However, there is a flip side to the coin: many people lose a sense of responsibility for their words and spread their conjectures under the guise of the facts. However, the lack of sense of responsibility does not relieve from the responsibility. One should answer in court for the statements, unsupported by the facts.

Proliferators of fakes about SkyWay added a lot of the work for the Legal Department of the company, but the results were worth the effort: most court cases about protection of business reputation of General Designer Anatoliy Yunitskiy and his project came to their logical conclusion.

We will tell you about some of them.


As a lot of our partners remember, in the spring of 2014, Anatoliy Yunitskiy founded a company in Lithuania, which was to begin the development of the string transport in the country. But already in autumn, the Lithuanian authorities opened the case of fraud, financial fraud and money laundering against the company and its founder. The assets of the project, which cost about $ 1 million, were frozen because of these charges.

The investigation of this case lasted for almost 3 years, and, as it was anticipated, the case was closed, and the assets were returned to the project. This, of course, is good, but still is unfair: the money is possible to return, but not the lost time. But then, the compensation for it can be demanded, and that is what Anatoliy Yunitskiy did. As we wrote earlier, he filed the lawsuit against the General Prosecutor's office and Investigation Service of Financial Crimes of Lithuania.


In February 2018, not Anatoliy Yunitskiy himself, but already one of the partners of the project and the company First SkyWay Invest Group LTD, fell under attack. They were accused of fraud, but in August of this year, the case was closed for lack of evidence.

 Yes, many countries still accept new financing instruments as some disguised threat to the wallets of their citizens: all the unknown can be quite scary at first. But as soon as officials get used to the cryptocurrency, crowd investing and other innovations, the number of such preposterous claims to SkyWay will significantly reduce. Moreover, the proceedings in Austria seems to be strange, given the fact that it was initiated by anonymous detractors.


Another story, the moral of which is still the same: you should to be an honest person and bear the responsibility for your words. Victor Uzlov, the former partner of Anatoliy Yunitskiy in the Australian company, after a series of courts, initiated by him in order to discredit the inventor, has received an unequivocal answer: Yunitskiy is an honest man, the claims to him are groundless.

Of course, Uzlov wanted to receive financial compensation, and, naturally, he got nothing: the court rejected all his demands. There was more: a libel suit was filed against Victor Uzlov, which the court granted, and he was forced to remove the dishonest publications, to pay compensation and to issue a retraction.

But litigation is only part of the problems which Uzlov brought  to SkyWay. In fact, in 2011, he carried out the hostile takeover of Yunitskiy's Australian company, taking away all the property by deception and bankrupting the business. However, this has not stopped Yunitskiy. Moreover, he has reimbursed to the Australian investors of the project the volume of their participation in the endeavour, undermined by Uzlov's intrigues, by issuing the corresponding packages of investment shares for them, though no one compelled him to do it.


SkyWay has a slightly different example: a successful court case against the media. As we have already mentioned, journalists are often suspiciously aggressive towards the project, and it brings a lot of inconvenience in the work, because many people have no opportunity to visit the EcoTechnoPark and to make sure themselves that the company is running quite successfully.

Unfortunately, in the former Soviet Union, the courts are reluctant to deal with the cases on protection of business reputation, and sometimes it is often quite difficult to prove an obvious fact: a negative article based on speculation, denigrates the business and interferes with its development. However, Skyway insisted on the lawsuit: in June 2018, the company won a lawsuit against the Crimean portal "Obyektiv", which in 2017 wrote a scathing article about the project, filled with sometimes unverified, sometimes obsolete, and sometimes simply inadequate information. We wrote earlier what can be the resons of these types of materials.

Many legal cases are still under development, maybe, there will be new reasons to stand up for the honor of the project – the  SkyWay information service will keep you updated.

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