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Engineers at Unitsky String Technologies, Inc. are working to improve the string rail

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In Unitsky String Technologies, Inc., there has been held a technical meeting attended by the company's design engineers headed by the project founder Anatoli Unitsky. The main topic of the discussion was — Elements of the Rail-String Flyover.

One of those elements is the rail head. Noise levels, ride suppleness and vehicle safety all depend on the quality of its assembly. The specialists are currently developing a solution to make this part of the track structure even more efficient.

In particular, the engineers are working on improving current transmission. This requires such a rail head that has sufficient contact with the current collector, i.e. the wheel. This is how Yuri Kashchuk, Head of the «Transport Overpass» department, speaks about it:

«We have successfully tested the conductivity of samples. The rail head will be made of them. We will use the most optimal variant in the track structures design».

In addition, improving the rail head indirectly improves the environmental friendliness of the technology. The better the current transmission, the more efficiently the energy is consumed, the generation of which often harms nature.

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