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UST Deputy General Designer for transport systems — about the company's plans for 2022

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The official website of Unitsky String Technologies Inc. has published an interview with the company's Deputy General Designer for transport systems Victor Garakh. The specialist talked about the company's achievements this year and plans for next year. We are sharing a brief summary of the material.

What does the Deputy General Designer for transport systems manage?

From the customer's point of view, the main task is quality control of the implementation of technical solutions. In terms of organisational structure, it is supervising the work of the General Designer Department, which brings together the activities of the Chief Designers for high-speed, speed and freight directions.

What is in the works now?

Victor Garakh's team are developing technical solutions that help cover the full range of the technology application. The main aim of the department is modularity and unification. Achieving these characteristics reduces design, manufacturing and operating costs.

Another focus area is increasing the safety, uptime and guaranteed life of the technology to a level that meets the requirements of regulators in a particular region.

In particular, the team are working on two transport complexes in Belarus and two in the UAE, as well as on the first commercial projects.

What results have been achieved?

The main achievement is certification of the UAE's No. 1 test complex by the TUV company. Checking has confirmed the safety of the technology and removed major constraints on its global scale.

There will soon be presented the 7th 800-metre line at the EcoTechnoPark and two transport complexes in Sharjah, each over two kilometres long. The modernisation of the transport chassis is also underway.

Why modernise transport?

To enable the prototypes to go into series production, the team have placed an emphasis on improving the durability of the component parts of the transport system. For example, stress tests have been carried out at temperatures close to +60 ℃, as well as when exposed to high humidity, sand and sea salts. In parallel, work was underway to improve the safety of the technology.

In addition, the production of new rolling stock models, which are fully compliant with the requirements of extreme situations, is about to be completed. The development was carried out in accordance with global standards. As a result, the team are in the final stages of certifying the design documentation in accordance with European standards.

What are the plans for the future?

Ahead, there is a start of production of the system component parts, the creation of own regulatory basis, supervised operation at the customer and development of the system taking into account known and foreseeable factors.

The immediate objective is beginning the construction work on the first commercial projects.

You can read the original material on the site Unitsky String Technologies Inc.

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