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Alexey Sukhodoyev's webinar talking points dated on 10 November

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Dear investors and partners! We have prepared for you the webinar talking points in which SWC Board Member Alexey Sukhodoyev talks about the development of the string transport, discuses technology trends and answers investors' questions. You can read the talking points at the link in document.

The main topics of the webinar dated 10 November:

- Anatoli Unitsky's presentation at the forum within the framework of GITEX exhibition in Dubai.

- A press conference on the achievements and prospects of the string transport in the UAE.

- International delegations at UST, Inc. Centre in Sharjah.

- News of the SWC «Top League».

- Answers to actual questions.

We release Alexey Sukhodoyev's webinar talking points a few days after the webinar itself has been conducted. Follow the schedule of webinars in the section «News ». Enjoy the reading!

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