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At the the National, there have been summed up the press conference results at the UST Centre, Inc. in Sharjah

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On The National's website there has been released an article about the recent string transport presentation at the UST, Inc. Centre. The journalists devoted much of their coverage to the high-speed track project, which is currently in the process of seeking funding.

Anatoli Unitsky, the founder of UST, Inc., detailed about the costs of the new track:

«We need land and finances to build a longer testing site. We cannot do it at our own expense. The construction of the 20-km test track for transport's running at speeds of up to 500km/h will cost $230 m».

The company is now leasing land at the Sharjah Technology Research Park and is raising funds for further development. So far, all development costs have been financed personally by Anatoli Unitsky and private investment funds.

In addition, the 20-kilometre track project could be equipped with a system for generating electricity from renewable sources. In this case, the construction would require $580 million and 250 hectares of land. The project has already attracted interest in Europe, as well as in Saudi Arabia and India.

The construction of the high-speed line was also commented on by a spokesman for the UST, Inc. Centre:

«The aerodynamics of the high-speed transport has proved extremely effective. «...» The problem now is to test it at full capacity, as we need a track of at least 20 km. «...» Our next task is to find where we can build it. «...» Three years ago, people didn't believe we could get a working track for Unicar, and now it is here [in Sharjah].«...» We expect the high-speed string track to come along as well. This is the next stage.».

The UST, Inc. transport is now under consideration by the Dubai Roads and Transport Authority as one of the bids. The approximate cost of the string track in this emirate would be $7-15 million per kilometre. This amount includes the construction of the track structure, stations and other elements of infrastructure, including control systems and the vehicles themselves.

The perspectives of the string transport were highly appreciated by Hussain Al Mahmoudi, CEO of Sharjah Technology Research Park:

«This project has been implemented in reality, not just on paper. «...» Bringing such world-class technologies and innovations to Sharjah and the UAE is a real achievement. «...» I hope it will be an important solution to mobility problems in the Middle East and Africa.».

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Associated Press report from a press conference at the UST, Inc. Centre in Sharjah