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"My first impression is as follows: it is an innovation"

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For already a year, the company-developer of the string transport CJSC "String Technologies" has been engaged in the implementation of practices and technologies of the Industry 4.0. The process is proceeding successfully: many stages of the string transport development have already been digitized and are working on new standards. Dassault Systemes, the French company which develops the  software necessary to optimize industrial processes, is a partner and chief assistant of CJSC "String Technologies".

At Innotrans 2018 exhibition, Mikhail Kirichenko managed to talk to a representative of Dassault Systemes company, Luc Feuvrier, who visited the stand of the string transport. He shared his impressions of the result from the cooperation between the two innovative companies, as well as expressed his opinion on the current developments of SkyWay, and about the novelty presented at the exhibition.

We are presenting the interview in full:

Good morning, Luk! Introduce yourself, please.

-- Good morning! My name is Luc Feuvrier. I work for Dassault Systemes, which is implementing a 3D platform, that is used to develop innovative and unusual products for future worldwide mobility.

-- I guess, the purpose of your stay in Berlin is not only in visiting our stand. What else are you engaged in here, in Berlin?

Here, we have a bus, in which we show some of our products, especially in terms of logistics. We want to demonstrate to visitors what we can do with our platform in the field of computer design and modeling to assist our customers in developing their projects.

- After having visited our stand and seen what we could do with your platform, what are your impressions?

- I really liked the design and the concept itself. This is a very innovative approach in the field of transport, aimed at improving the transportation of people from one point to the other. The interior is very comfortable, with excellent means of providing information. I was very pleased to see the application of our 3D platform by your engineers for developing and modeling this new concept.

-- Thank you. And if you compare what you saw at our stand, with the exhibits of other stands at InnoTrans 2018, what are your impressions?

-- My first impression is as follows: it is an innovation. The concept of this small shuttle is completely new. And here, we see two models of vehicles that are moving simultaneously. For me, this is a very interesting innovation and concept.

-- Thank you very much. I wish you a pleasant stay here, an interesting day today and all following days at the exhibition. Thank you a lot for the interview. Would you like to ask me about something I did not ask you?

-- Thank you a lot for our interesting conversation. After having got acquainted with this concept on the Internet and on paper, I'm happy to see the real life-sized prototype. I am really impressed with what you are doing.

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