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Anatoli Unitsky about Stage 15 | Nadezhda Kosareva on commercial projects | Meeting with Indian SWC partners

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While all the SkyWay investors are waiting for the footage of the finished fourth track anchor supports at the Unitsky String Technologies R&D Centre, we continue releasing our video digest of the highlights from the SkyWay project and the SWC company.

In the new release:

‒ SkyWay founder Anatoli Yunitsky shared the plans for the 15th stage of development in his new interview.

‒ The SWC Board Members held an online meeting with partners and investors from India.

‒ CEO of Unitsky String Technologies, Inc. Nadezhda Kosareva spoke about the current directions of the company’s work.

Please subscribe to the SWC YouTube channel and enable notifications for not missing future releases of the video digest.

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