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Skyway transport solution for Ufa

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On 18 April, Ufa hosted the spring forum of Housing and Public Utilities and Construction.

At the Forum, representatives of the Center for Strategic Development, Urban Research and Projects of USPTU (Ufa State Oil Technical University) made a presentation of the Skyway transport technology.

The authors of the presentation proposed to build a transport track in the vicinity of Ufa with the use of the SkyWay technology. Here's how the project was described in the bashinform.ru news agency:

The total length of the Skyway track, connecting all regions of the Ufa Peninsula, such as Zaufimye, Zabelie, Demu and Zaton, are 115 kilometers with 33 stops along the track. The carrying capacity of the above-the-ground track is estimated at 25 thousand people per hour, and the tracks can be laid along the relief with a large altitude difference.

You can read the original article on the portal website.

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