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Ayalon Highways senior management visit to the uSky Centre

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Last November, Erez Ilan, logistics consultant at Korentec Technologies, visited the uSky test and certification centre. He wanted to personally get acquainted with the uSky transport technology and prepare for the future visit of his colleagues.

Four months later, Erez Ilan returned with senior management team of Ayalon Highways, which included Uzi Levin, senior vice president for initiative projects, and Oren Calfon, senior vice president for technology.

Ayalon Highways — is a public corporation and leader in implementing large-scale transport projects in the urban space. Mission of Ayalon Highways is to initiate, plan, execute, maintain, and manage transportation infrastructures and advanced solutions to facilitate effective use of the roadways in Israel urban and metropolitan space.

The uSky Transport team, gave an unforgettable uSky tour to the guests in our best traditions: advanced electric vehicles were demonstrated, the high-speed uFlash flagship, a certified tropical uCar and other types of innovative transport were described in detail, as well as a working model of the linear uCity was displayed.

As part of the uSky tour, the guests saw for themselves the similarity of missions of the two companies — to make public transport safer and more comfortable. The Ayalon Highways top managers thanked the uSky Transport team for the productive meeting and expressed interest in further cooperation on the uSky Transport & Infrastructure Technology practical application in Israel.

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