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uST technology is presented at the congress in Spain

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The possibilities of uST transport and infrastructure solutions were demonstrated at the 23rd World Congress of World Cities in Spain. The central topic of discussion was advanced technologies that help to organize effective communication in smart cities. More than 120 speakers took part in the congress. The attention of the guests was attracted by more than 60 exhibition areas, among which there was an exposition dedicated to uST solutions.

Oleg Zaretsky, a representative of the sky Testing and Certification Center, became one of the invited speakers of the event. He introduced the guests to the problems that arise during the construction of smart and eco-friendly cities, as well as how these problems are solved thanks to the technologies of UST Inc.

During his speech, Oleg Zaretsky emphasized the relevance of uST technology and the importance of transferring transport to the second tier for transport accessibility.

Negotiations with Peace City World were also held within the framework of the event. The parties discussed the use of uST complexes as a transport solution for smart cities. PCW management expressed interest in using uST technology in the implementation of its projects in Spain, Tunisia, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. The result of the negotiations was the signing of a memorandum with PCW.

The Peace City World project was created with the aim of promoting and implementing the idea of a new urban concept, in which the facilities are integrated via advanced information and communication technologies. The global smart cities market is expected to reach USD 820.7 billion by 2025, with an average annual growth rate of 148%.

Peace City plans to build 10-20 facilities on five continents over the next 10 years. Smart cities shall become new economic centers implemented within the framework of the global development strategy. And uST transport can become an eco-friendly and highly efficient transport and infrastructure solution for them.

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