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Solutions to improve the Unimobiles aerodynamics are presented

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Scientific publication «Innovative Transport» published an article on the aerodynamics of uST transport. The material details the UniFlash — a high-speed unimobile with unique aerodynamic characteristics. Among the authors of the publication is the General Designer of UST Inc. Anatoli Unitsky.

The article on optimization of the aerodynamic characteristics of the high-speed unimobile was prepared with the participation of the employees of Unitsky String Technologies Inc. Sergey Artyushevsky, Mikhail Tsyrlin, and Vladimir Goncharov.

The material presents technical solutions aimed at improving the aerodynamics of uST transport. Besides, the design features of UST Inc. high-speed models and their advantages in terms of aerodynamics and ergonomics are described.

UniFlash is designed for transportation between cities, as well as for international traffic. The high-speed unimobile is capable of reaching speeds of up to 500 km/h. So, the distance from Minsk to Paris, he will cover in 4-5 hours. The UniFlash has a streamlined body with smoothly coupled front, middle and rear parts. Connecting couplings are based on special curves, which is the company's know-how. The model was first presented in 2018 at the major international transport show Innotrans in Berlin.

«Innovative Transport» — scientific publication established by the Russian Transport Academy and the Ural State University of Railway Transport. The magazine covers achievements in the field of transport, as well as reviews the most important events in the industry in terms of its innovative development.

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