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Use coupons without limitations regarding the investment amount

Микроразметка статьи

Until 19.10.22, all coupons received as gifts from other partners can be applied to any standard investment in your personal office, regardless of the investment amount. After 19.10.22 previous conditions will resume.

Please note:

— The updated conditions apply to all coupons, regardless of the date of receipt, except 1.1X coupons for registration in the personal office.

— If another partner gave you a coupon, you still cannot re-gift it.

We remind you that on 19.10.22, the project will move to sub-stage 14.3. At the same time, the discount on investment offers in the personal office will be reduced. That means that you can get more shares now than when the project moves to the new sub-stage. With the coupons, the amount will be even more.

You can gift and activate coupons in the section «My coupons».

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