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Conditions for 2X coupons extend to 05.10.22

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Until 05.10.22 18:00 (UTC+3), in the personal office, there continue to apply the conditions for receiving 2X coupons for supporting the project in the current sub-stage. Coupons will also be accrued on 05.10.22 and will be valid until 19.10.22.

How to get coupons:

— One 2X coupon: if invested between 21.06.21 and up to 05.10.22 18:00 (UTC+3).

— One 2X coupon: if you have at least one person in your first line who invested in the period between 21.06.21 and up to 05.10.22 18:00 (UTC+3).

— Two 2X coupons: if you invested between 21.06.21 and up to 05.10.22 18:00 (UTC+3) and invited in your first line a partner who also invested between 21.06.21 and up to 05.10.22 18:00 (UTC+3).

We remind you that on 19.10.22, the string transport project will move to development sub-stage 14.3. At the same time, in the personal office, the discount on investment offers will be reduced. That means that you can get more shares now for the same amount of money than once you have moved on to the new sub-stage. With the coupons, this amount will be twice as much!

You can check for the coupons in the «My coupons» section.

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